Sunday, September 1, 2013

Anime: Certain Scientific Railgun S: Ep 20: Febri

Good weekend of Anime for me!  This episode brings us back into the gray area of Misaka's life as a Level 5 a bit.  Where she had been enjoying time getting back to the normal routine of learning about her ability and occasionally solving problems for Academy City (with more than occasional hitting of Kuroko thrown in), instead the world seems bent on thrusting all of her friends back into difficulty and trials.

Most of this episode is what we expected, with the progression of Febri becoming more interwoven into the group despite the 5 day limit when she will be taken in by the system of foster care.  However they plan to make the most of it after the near scare with the guardian bots going nuts.

Of course Misaka wants her pink Gekota back, it is her only one after all!  Still she finally relents when Konori treats all of them to a well earned bath house visit.  Misaka is reminded when one of the Sisters did not want to give the button back because it was the first gift Big Sister had ever given one of them.

A lovely moment overall and aside from the obligatory denial of Kuroko being in the same bath as Misaka, it was a touching moment.  Poor Kuroko had to "suffer" outside the bath.

Once more Kongo is in this episode but for one of her seemingly becoming more common useful additions to the show.  She is still a bit full of herself but I think she is finally learning the value of being helpful.  Also I think she is starting to appreciate the dangers to espers as they get stronger in Academy City by what has happened around Misaka and others.

She recognizes the most annoying Prick from the 6 meddling idiots (God I really want these guys knocked down a peg!) that are after Academy City in general and Febri in particular.  Unfortunately she learns this while they are all in the bathhouse so no one notices.

Instead they are diverted for the Railgun part of their experiment, a suit that attacks them in a deserted part of Academy City.  Also there appears to be an EM interfering that Misaka either cannot feel or some other method to stop phones and cameras from working.  I say this because it is broad daylight and 5 young girls are attacked with no notice until it is all over!

Misaka, supremely confident in her abilities, is stunned when her attacks have no effect on the suit, worse because it is a suit she is holding back from more effective attacks.  During the fight the others get drawn in but of course the pink Gekota gets left in the open.

Just when Febri and Misaka seem doomed, the experiment errors on the Pricks nearby and Kongo smashes the suit with a steel beam to reveal no one inside at all.

That is not the most interesting part though, like the security bots last episode, this suit has no power at all, no controller of any kind, but both have a slim purple container with a single strand of what seems blonde hair inside.

While that should get the juices flowing for Anti-skill and Judgement, Saten is left worrying when Febri collapses after the attack in a fever.  The girls are all worrying when she cannot be helped by the doctors and Misaka wonders if she has once again dragged innocents into danger by being Level 5 Railgun.

Happily the now infamous Dr "Gekota" wakes the girls with a very revived Febri waiting for them.  Despite this, he does not seem terribly thrilled.  He pulls Misaka aside and tells her he did nothing and cannot fix Febri.  When asked if she is terminal, he says the problem is she is not human, 100% scientifically created.

Misaka of all people may now understand why Febri knows her name but that is not the part that makes me love this episode.

At long last, it seems the 6 idiots that have done nothing but rub me the wrong way since they appeared after the Accelerator arc have a very angry Railgun after them.  I truly hope to see in the next few episodes that they learn what it means to mess with someone like Misaka and to use someone like Febri.

I like just desserts for idiots what can I say?  Here's to next time!

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