Saturday, June 22, 2013

[Initial Reaction] My Teen Romantic Comedy Snafu Ep 1

Or: Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru in Japanese. That is a mouthful.

Episode 1: And Thus Their Mistaken Youth Begins
  Hachiman Hikigaya is this cynical guy who spends most of his time lamenting in his headspace like an under stimulated  Kevin Smith character. In fact, this appears to be all he does, as he doesn't seem to have any friends.

His awkwardly hot teacher, Shizuka Hiratsuka, unimpressed by his current essay, decides he needs more socialization and brings him to a somewhat empty room. The room has exactly one girl in it, Yukino Yukinoshita, reading a book with some stick cats on the cover. This club is apparently a 'Service Club'  offering help and advice to students who wander through the door.

After some awkward conversations about 'dead fish eyes' and other insults, it ultimately comes down to a wager. Whichever member of the club can 'service' the most students wins, becoming able to request anything of the other.

Of course, Hachiman's mind immediately wanders into pervy man territory. But the wager is taken.

After originally yelling at the first person to request their help, they eventually end up in the kitchen.  Yui Yuigahama would love to learn to make cookies to impress someone she likes. This turns into failure and soul searching and eventually, it's decided that as long as Yui tries to make cookies, whoever should be grateful for them .

Yui comes back the next day, thanking them both for their help with cookies, terrible cookies. And so the episode ends.

Who actually won that round? They both helped her. I am unsure of how this game is played.

Based on the name, there wasn't much comedy and very little romance as most advances were stilted and ignored. I am really not sure what to think of this anime. Probably need to give it another episode, I mean, I didn't downright hate it.

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