Thursday, July 18, 2013

Anime: RWBY Ep 1

Oh a happy birthday for me!  RWBY premiered, and fair warning I am a Sponsor on Roosterteeth so to avoid spoilers, please wait for 7pm Central release to general public.  Otherwise, continue!

I saw a slightly more raw version of this episode at RTX 2013, but only detail touch ups and I think some smoothing of sequences is the most I noticed.  Also I could actually hear the softer characters when over 3000 people are not reacting to scenes.

Much as the trailers began, we of course start with Ruby Rose.  Her world is built after a conflict between mankind and the forces of Grim (spelling not confirmed).  The wonderful voice of Jen Taylor (Cortana from Halo) is our VO for the intro.   A nice breakdown of some series openers, how man advanced and discovered a way to fight the horde of monsters knocking at their door.  It is called Dust, and can be shaped into crystals for use.

Now as an opening episode I am happy to say that is the most succinct info dump I have encountered in quite awhile.  Some series can overload people or skip by things that might confuse others but some societies take for granted.  (It took a lot of subbed watching to catch on to different suffix = different connotation.)

We are introduced to a gangster style crook, Roman, who takes some thugs with swords and robs a place wonderfully named From Dust till Dawn.  While an old shopkeeper watches helplessly, an oblivious teen in a red hood listen to her music while browsing.

The thugs of course take notice and include her in their robbery.  She innocently looks up with her silver eyes and seems to be excited about their attempt.  We then see some exemplary moves that show how Ruby uses her Crescent to fight and move faster than her own body would normally allow.  The recoil of firing it launches her, but the precise twists and moves allow her to attack and dodge in ways her opponents have zero chance of stopping.

Even after swiftly taking out the thugs, Roman tries to end her in one shot, but instead just causes a dust cloud to escape.  Chasing after him she is confronted with a red Dust crystal, that he shoots to explode.  Cue the Huntress, apparently an adept magic user with a circle shield to boot.  However instead of any incantations, she seems able to simple will her works with what looks very much like a wand.  The emerald eyed Huntress is confronted with her counterpart in Roman's escape plane, an overshadowed but lined in golden tattoos and a red dress to boot magic user who remains unrevealed.

They battle out with various skills, the Huntress sticks to weather or material manipulation while the shadowed one uses a lot of fire based attacks.  Ruby attempts to help but only a draw results.

Ruby reveals her fangirl side as she ask the Huntress for an autograph, but then we see more of Ruby as a character in this part.  The Huntress is called Glenda (Goodwitch) and she works for Beacon, where Ruby very much wants to attend.  She is introduced to Professor Ozbin (?) who, after an interview that is smile worthy, invites her to come to Beacon a full 2 years early.

We then meet the next of our MC, Yang.

She is actually a sister to Ruby, and older as well.  She is in her first year at Beacon, the Academy of Hunters it would seem.  We get a good view of the boisterous nature of Yang, where as Ruby seems to try to stay unnoticed and just wants to reach her dream without drawing envy.  Yang on the other hand wants to gush and brag.

There is a noticeable difference in art when a news cast is brought up, it actually gives the feeling of 3D with our characters versus a quite obvious 2D display.  A nice move in my opinion.

There a nice interplay between the sisters and a reveal of being on an airship on the way to Beacon (emerald of course :D).  We also see a fellow warrior who does not take heights well apparently.  It actually ends on approach to Beacon and with Ruby desperately trying to keep the sick boy at bay.

For an introduction this episode had a nice mix of playfulness and action.  We are left with many good questions and a lot of anticipation of where things are going.  That is the best way to draw an audience, make them ask why and know the only way to learn is to keep watching.

There are at least 2 more MC to be introduced in series, Blake and Weiss, but I can reveal they will be in the next episode.  However we only got a teaser of it at RTX I believe so I look forward to that release next week even more.

A high recommend and hope to see TONS more.  Here at last after this nice pic below was revealed at the first trailer a year ago!

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