Tuesday, July 2, 2013

[Initial Reaction] Devil Survivor 2 Episode 1

I guess this is a video game adaptation? I haven't played the video game. I would say that I don't have a DS, but my kids do. I just don't have the time to sit down and play a DS game. Though, from reading the comments, it seems that the adaptation, at some point, takes a anime only story line.

Episode 1: 1st Day: Melancholy Sunday

 Alright, let's get into this. I don't actually understand. There seems to be a website that comes with a phone app that does what Devon Sawa in Final Destination does. Only, instead of pushing people out of the way, it summons demons to do pokebattles?

The Awkwardly Sexy Mascot. Because no one listens to random broadcasts without tits. Tits or GTFO. Doctor Who should take note. Perhaps there would be less Cybermen.

I don't know about that. The application seems to save the character based on will to live, and summons an appropriate demon to shelter them. If someone is weak willed and dies partway through the demon 'download' the demon is set free and attacks willy nilly? Am I getting this right?

Pretty sure that's just a furry on their way to a convention.

Anyway, the main character, Hibiki and his friend Daichi are about to get smashed by a train, but instead survive with their super huge boobed classmate Nitta. Their inadvertently summoned demons help them escape aboveground where they find out Japan is just randomly exploding everywhere.

Another demon attacks a crowd and, lo and behold, the MC summons and AWESOME demon.  Of course, Hibiki tries to hit it with a truck first.

Anyway, they get recruited by Japan's Meteorological Agency. Not that weather patterns and demons have anything to do with each other. Whatever. I'll go with it.

Probably will continue. It's pretty straightforward.

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