Sunday, August 11, 2013

Anime: Attack on Titan Ep 18: Forest of Giant Trees, 57th Expedition (2)

The onslaught of the Female Titan continues.  We resume right after Reiner's miraculous escape and Armin seeing the Titan run off in the direction he believes Eren to actually be in the formation.

Our 3 survivors, while alive, are each facing troubling revelations.  Jean is desperately whistling for his wayward horse because with only Reiner's he knows someone will have to be left behind.  Despite both he and Reiner thinking there is a need to choose, Armin willingly offers to stay because of his injuries.

He is troubled by more than the Female Titan's intelligence and is about to pass along that info to Reiner when a small miracle appears.  Krista with 2 spare horses, one of which is Jean's.

She was able to find them by the emergency flare Armin told Jean to fire and the 3 of them are floored by her honest expression to be happy to find them all alive.  I believe Armin and Jean are just thrilled to be alive and saved and acknowledge she is not bad to look at all.  Reiner on the other hand wishes for her hand in marriage inside his own head, a thought that leaves him a bit shell shocked.

This rather light hearted moment makes a stark contrast for the montage of death the Female Titan rains down on the rest of the right flank.  We see exactly how dangerous a thinking Titan is because tactics that have worked before are useless against her.  She easily kills a 3 pronged attack that was well executed but makes no difference to her raw power properly used.

We also see the oddity of Armin even more as she almost sadistically kills the 3 man team and its leader.  We see even more soldiers ride to try and stop her, but it all ends the same, they are left for dead and the formation must fire its flares.

Rather than retreat or alter course for a more direct route to Eren's basement, all of our MCs note that they are instead heading for the Forest of Giant Trees.  It is a literal name of trees that are at least twice the height of a 15m Titan.  An excellent place to go in the wild areas Titans roam where the 3D gear can be put to far deadlier use.

The oddities pile up as only the central column advances while the regrouping recruits and soldiers flank out to the left and right of the forest.  Only Armin puts together the actual reason of the whole expedition.  The odd explanation of the plan and revealing Eren's true goal in reclaiming Wall Maria as well.

Commander Erwin was TRYING to flush out a Titan like Eren, only one that works against humanity rather for it.  The Colossal would have been unlikely but the Armored Titan was probably on the likely list.

Ordered to prevent any other Titans from entering the forest, they look on as they realize they are just stalling bait.  They are enough concentration of humans to keep the more common Titans at bay just by staying in the higher branches until they receive fresh orders or choose to retreat.

Meanwhile in the central corridor, Eren realizes that the true intent of this mission was hidden not only from him, but from his entire squad as well.  Levi calmly tells him to work it out himself using his "tiny brain," but as the fear becomes evident on his comrades, Eren wonders if even Levi knows what is going on.

With only a single black flare as warning, Eren watches in horror as the Female Titan closes in, slaughtering the rear guard and violently trying to get at him.  Unlike the other times we have seen her, she now appears to be smiling.

We are left in a cliff hanger, of course, as Eren's squad demands orders from Levi to attack over and over.  Levi calmly turns around and tells them to cover their ears as he fires a flare gun.

The next episode could give me an ulcer, as I have read ahead and it seems to be unfolding on a similar path.  However there is a potential for a flash back episode or two as well even amidst this action.

As always I am left with the frustration of waiting for this excellent story to unfold in either form and it is being done well!  I think I will await a few revelations and come back to this episode as well for those that prefer anime to manga, so as not to spoil things!  Until next time.

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