Sunday, August 18, 2013

RWBY Ep 5: First Step prt 2

The class is right where we left them, flying through the air to land on their own and survive the Emerald Forest.  For almost all the MCs to this point we see them do quite well.

Ruby, after apologizing to a disintegrated bird, uses Crescent Rose to absorb her speed in a tree branch.  Weiss uses what I believe to be air Dust skills to soften her own.  The two exceptions to flurried activity are Ren and Yang.

Ren calmly uses his near blades to twirl down a trunk and then just walks away as if waking from a nap, without a ruffle to his clothes at all!  Yang does not want to seem to land actually.  She giddily laughs her way as she launches herself farther and faster with her own gun discharges at the wrists.  Finally her usual flair comes at the end of her landing and she sprints off to find her partner.

Jaune of course is falling like any of us and screaming for help.  Fortunately the human battering ram, Pyrrha, turns her rifle into a harpoon and after a quick wind check, nails the poor lad to a tree.

After that we see Ruby tearing off into the forest looking for Yang, and for any fans of RT we see the hand of Jordan in Ruby's thoughts here, as she lists off her alternatives if she does not find her sister.

After going through all the people she has met thus far, she racks her mind for anyone else that might be compatible, and ends on the image above.  Weiss, non-plussed, turns off with the clear intention of ignoring Ruby.

Of course the next person she finds is Jaune hanging from the harpoon in the tree and without a word collects Ruby as a preferred alternative.  Something the young girl happily accepts without much encouragement.

Jaune is then found by Pyrrha who asks if has any openings on his team still.  Smirking at each other the obvious conclusion of another team is there for all to see.

Weiss is not thrilled and threatens Ruby to keep up at all costs.  For the first time we see her surprised in a good way by Ruby as she shows her skill in speed is amazing.  The tear through the woods must have been quite impressive to witness!  Ruby of course remains true to herself and says that after the Forest, Weiss will exclaim that Ruby is actually cool and would be a good friend.

After which of course the excited girl vanishes in a swirl of rose petals.  Weiss, not entirely unimpressed, but still flustered, reiterates that she is still wasting time as the bushes rustle around her.  Fear mounting in Weiss, we finally see the monsters from the prologue and leave the normally cold princess trembling as roars and red eyes surround her.

A very short episode, and I finally got the spellings right, but still in this case I think it is a good choice.  We had a LOT of development in a very quick succession and a lot more to go with the MCs we have not seen.  We still need to see Yang, Blake, Ren, and Nora form up into teams, given the credits I think we can call those as I wrote them though.

I look forward to some action after the character building, lord knows I actually want to see Weiss' jaw drop as Ruby slices and dices those monsters.  Till next time.

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