Sunday, August 18, 2013

Anime: Railgun S: Ep 18: Moving

We start this episode off with a bang, literally.  ITEM seems to be in the middle of a robot brawl stating they had "orders" to go there, yet we see some lab/tech types observing it all.  Surprisingly they are satisfied with a scratch on Meltdowner.

Just when we seemed to have all the answers from the Sisters, it would seem something else is brewing.

Now we hop to the more mundane, but welcome respite of Misaka and Co, pictured above, getting ready to welcome the rescued child Banri from her long stay at the hospital.  As one of the children that was the main focus of the first season, this actually makes a nice thread that resolves the side characters focus quite nicely for us.

We see Uriharu, normally so quiet and going with the flow of events, has quietly helped her current friend Erii, and the long time friend of Banri, of moving in together after the release.  She did not even tell Saten what she was doing until Erii herself brought it up.

Most of the episode is like that, a very sweet bow on the long road for Banri to reach the end of her trials.  Unfortunately it is not all smiles and smooth sailing for Uriharu and Kuroko.

Something messed with the traffic signal system and they had to cut out most of the fun part of the day to do Judgment duties, of which Uriharu insisted on helping when the others were willing to let her stay for the celebrations they had planned.

Erii points out, as does Banri, that this is part of why they like Uriharu so much, that she never stops being a good friend and does her duty all at once.  There are quite a few touching moments and for long time followers a bit of emotional payoff with Uriharu, Erii, and even Saten's part in the story.  

Understandably while this episode does wrap up that thread for now, it opens whole new vistas and states literally for the audience an experience Misaka already has gone through several times.

Early in the episode we see the ever so arrogant, but still good intentioned, Kongo.  Something we have seen happen many times, a small time crook crosses the path of an esper...some hilarity ensues and day saved right?  Yes and no.  One of the sinister lab monkies (they really rubbed me the wrong way as characters) confronts Kongo about her faith in her ability to solve problems.

It is clearly stated how she did not think through all the consequences of her actions, even though it all turned out fine this time, it is not a cure-all solution.  Despite his horrible vibe, he DOES have a point.  The entirety of Academy City hinges on one thing, the espers can solve the problems completely and as safely as possible for all involved.  Tree Diagram is gone for now so that leave Judgment and Antiskill to keep things going smoothly to the best of their ability.

Kongo is left with clear doubt in her mind about the confidence in her ability and its use, but the mysterious minion of arrogant lab flunky disappears when Antiskill is on the way.

At the end we see a character we got a glimpse of but only now get to see napping in a flower bed of all things!  She is found, of course, but the quartet of Academy City.  The young blonde child is very quiet once she wakes up, and only Saten gets her name after going down to her level.

Febri answers the request to tell of anything she knows with just a single name....Misaka Mikoto.  And while that would be enough to bring any of us back even without a preview, the show is not done yet.

Instead of a preview of the next episode, we get an epilogue.  The lab is back with 6 flunkies in all.  They are discussing the next stage of their plans and clearly have a great chip on their soldiers about espers.  We are left with a unanimous vote to move forward.

I loved the sweet ending of the Uriharu threads for while she was losing her roommate it was clear that things would not be terrible for her.  It all had the nice ring of rightness and reality for the character we have come to know.

Now all I want, and I really need to see if Magical covers this cause I would prefer to see it sooner than later, is to have that entire room of evil minions exposed to say...a Railgun....about 6 times.  We can only hope.

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