Monday, August 19, 2013

[Anime] Kami-sama no Inai Nichiyoubi/Sunday Without God: Ep 2

Valley of Death (2)

The name of the new, monochrome grave-keeper is Scar. After asking her a few questions, Hampnie tasks her with burying the townsfolk for realsies, as if all Ai did was pretend to bury them. Scar, in her awesomely chipper yet horrifically vapid voice informs Hampnie that the townsfolk were buried properly. See, jerk? Ai is actually a grave-keeper. Sheesh.

Hampnie, although surprised, simply starts interrogating Ai on her plans for the future. He pulls out a gun and threatens to blow her head off, but a shot from out of nowhere interrupts his murderous rampage. The man with the awesome sniper shot is Julie, Hampnie's childhood friend.

Julie and Hampnie had a falling out over Julie's dead wife. Julie had hidden her and his daughter away from the rest of the world after she died, living for over a year in solitude until Hampnie came along and finished the job.  Hampnie deduces that Julie's daughter also died and instead of committing suicide, has come to seek revenge or to die trying.

Hampnie, having just survived a shot through the lung, claims to be immortal and accepts a duel between himself and Julie. Though, he never shows up for it. Instead, he leaves and Ai follows. Hampnie decided, that due to Ai's age, she must be a grave-keeper/human hybrid.

Hampnie has a lot of theories it seems, especially about God. God had apparently grown weary with dealing with the human race and started just granting wishes whimsically. This was how the humans gained eternal life and how Hampnie himself gained immortality. Hampnie also noticed that if a person was dead long enough, they would degrade to monstrous state, and so he vowed to bring them down. This was his reason for rekilling Julie's wife.

Ai still doesn't understand about her town and why he killed all of them and he pretty much just blows her off and tells her she'll find out eventually. His hair holds so many secrets! It's not even that big!

Anyway, obvious plot points are obvious, but I'll let the story tell itself.

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