Thursday, August 8, 2013

Rooster Teeth: RWBY Ep 4: First Step

Sigh, it would seem I must appease the Internet Gods some more for good photo skills, that and acquire said skills.

Posts must continue however!

Sleep over finished, we hop over to a new character, Nora, who seems to need a dose of decaf...soon.  Her style of clothes suggest she might be heavy on the comedic relief, her lightning speed verbalism also indicates a need to rewind on occasion to catch it all.  She is amusing however for her own introduction.

The majority of her energies, and life goals, focus on a rather laid back character in green by the name of Ren.  He seems to just be rolling through his preparations for the upcoming Teams event and arming himself.  Appropriately he is voiced by the creator of this world, especially compared to the energetic storm of Nora.

We get the gist of long term connection and the upcoming activity being the selection of Teams for Beacon from these two.

Ruby and Yang have a mild sibling moment that is spot on in real life.  A younger sibling, so used to being part of the older's life, thinks to extend this into school.  Of course anyone who is an older sibling knows we make an unconscious wall between home life and school life that is not addressed until said moment.  In this case it is fairly harmless, but it shows again the differences between the sisters.

Yang is very social with people, and while loving her sister, wants to meet more.  Ruby is confident in her skills, but likes to keep her social world comfortable if at all possible.  Jean seems in desperate need of a life line also in this moment.

He takes us passed Weiss, who is seemingly focused on recruiting Pura, an Amazonian warrior if I ever saw one, to her Team.  We again get an idea of how focused Weiss is at being not only the top student at Beacon, but the perception of it as well.  She puts great store by reputation and expectation.

Jean blithely tries to get Weiss to come to his Team as well.  I admit I was cracking up and cringing in equal parts.  Sadly I WAS Jean in as much as I knew just as little about talking to girls wisely at that age!  Still, Pura shows an almost lackadaisical interest in who is on her Team.

She seems fine with whoever she ends up with, but oddly follows Weiss' order to send Jean flying across the locker room.  It is a hard read on Pura, on one hand she seems straight forward, but on the other she just seems to not care too.

Jean then reveals that his clumsy attempts were all to be done with confidence, and Yang reveals that "Snow Princess" might have been a very bad choice of pet name for Weiss.

Flash to a lovely hill where our group is now on metal platforms in front of Glinda and Ozbin.  There are 2 more as yet unnamed detailed males bringing the group total to 9 we see there.  Given the work to fill these guys out, I presume we will get to know them as well, I also note a lack of Blake, but she is there most likely.

Dryly, Ozbin explains that the students must cross the Emerald Forest to an old Temple and seek the relics within.  The selection of Teams is both more straightforward, and more random, than imagined.

All the students are to be launched into the air and land to the best of their ability.  The first person they make eye contact with will be there Teammate for the next 4 years.  As individual students are launched, Jean asks why he is missing his parachute, but Ozbin calmly sips his coffee and tells him to use his own landing skills to make it.

We are left watching all the students hanging in the sky, and aside from the most obvious Team I think we all expect, I wonder how the others will combine together.  Of course I should not underestimate the element of surprise from Monty and Crew.  Certainly the cast is expanding and I am starting to get more excited to see what will come!

Now if I could just get some blasted photos!

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